2019 Super Treasure Hunts
Treasure Hunt
A Treasure Hunt is distinguished by the famous ‘circle flame’ symbol that is located on the Hot Wheels vehicle. It is also seen located under the vehicle, in silver, on the card.
Select a year from the drop-down menu for a list of the Treasure Hunts.
Super Treasure Hunt
Super Treasure Hunts are premium versions of the mainline vehicle that has Spectraflame paint and Real Riders (rubber) wheels. They can be identified by the “TH” symbol on the vehicle and have a gold ‘circle flame’ symbol
on the card located under the vehicle.
Select a year from the drop-down menu for a list of the Super Treasure Hunts.
id Chase
Hot Wheels id chase cars are interactive track cars that are imbedded with NFC microchips randomly found in mainline cases. id chase cars are identified by a white card with silver Hot Wheels logo and an orange id label
Select a year from the drop-down menu for a list of the id chase cars.